NAHNOO is a research, capacity building and advocacy platform for participatory public policy-making, working towards an inclusive society in Lebanon. Our focus mainly revolves around three main areas of intervention: Public Spaces, Good Governance and Arts & Cultural Heritage.
Nahnoo Activities
Horsh Beirut Competition Results
Nahnoo invites you, students and professionals (architects, landscape and urban designers, planners and other related environmental and urban design disciplines) to submit proposals for research, design and planning projects to unlock the potential of Horsh Beirut as a shared inclusive public space that will generate a sustainable and pedestrian friendly neighborhood.
2nd January 2022
Decentralization and Municipalities: Bridging the Gap between Rhetoric and Action
The term “decentralization” pervades Lebanese politics, echoing through speeches, slogans, and the work programs of various parties. Despite its omnipresence, its true and immediate significance, particularly in the context of municipal work, is often overlooked. The past decade has ushered in tumultuous times for Lebanon, thrusting municipalities into the forefront with a weighty burden. […]
1st October 2023
Read MoreNahnoo primée par la Fondation Ghazal et la Fondation de France
L’ONG Nahnoo, qui milite depuis 2009 pour la préservation des espaces publics et culturels au Liban, vient de remporter le prix annuel de la Fondation Ghazal pour l’éducation, la recherche et la paix au Liban.
18th December 2021
Read MoreEndangered nature reserves, pollution and private violations: Lebanon’s highly neglected seaside
Nahnoo is part of The Coast for All, a coalition which launched a campaign last month aiming to preserve and restore the public coast of Lebanon. The campaign has launched a petition to request an amendment to Law 64/2017 to “restrict the right to occupy marine public property to the Lebanese state only,” and to limit encroachments on public properties.
9th December 2021
Read Morenahnoo Campaigns
“شمس”، الشعب مصدر السلطات، مجموعةٌ تضمّ هيئات وأفراداً مشاركين بالانتفاضة الشعبيّة غايتها الأولى خدمة هذه الانتفاضة في ارتقائها إلى مستوى الثورة. وذلك عبر تأمين الاتّصال والحوار والتنسيق في ما بين مكوّناتها وفي ما بين سائر الهيئات والأفراد، في اتّجاه توفير الإطار العادل لاختيار اللبنانيين الحرّ، مهما يكنْ ذلك الاختيار، في المستويات كافةً، من المستوى الشخصيّ الاجتماعيّ إلى المستوى الوطنيّ، مروراً بالمستوى السياسيّ والمستوى الاقتصاديّ.
Municipalities Under the Spotlight
Municipalities under the Spotlight is a campaign focused upon the promotion of transparency at the municipal level by publishing all municipal decisions online.
Civil Campaign to Protect the Dalieh of Raouche
NAHNOO joined the Civil Campaign to Protect the Dalieh of Raouche that emerged in March 2013 to advocate for the preservation of Dalieh as an inclusive and publicly accessible shared space for all and its classification as a natural reserve. The
Advocating for the preservation of Adloun Coast
The coast of Adloun is one of the few remaining sea turtle nesting grounds on the Lebanese coast. It is known for its archaeological and ecological significance and used to be the location of an ancient Phoenician port town.
Baalbeck Temple…in the Heart of Baalbeck
NAHNOO launched the campaign ‘Baalbeck temples…in the heart of Baalbeck’ to economically and socially develop the city of Baalbeck by reconnecting the temple with its surroundings and enhancing the relation between the residents and the international festivals taking place inside the city’s temple.
Our Garden is our Image – Tyre
Beirut is today a segregated and overcrowded city, with almost no public spaces. Horsh Beirut is the largest park in the capital.
Stop the Fouad Boutros Highway Coalition
Beirut is today a segregated and overcrowded city, with almost no public spaces. Horsh Beirut is the largest park in the capital.
The Lebanese Beach Socio-Economic Study
This study examines factors influencing public vs. private beach preferences, including the 2019 economic crisis. It highlights improving public beaches to balance resource preservation and community well-being.
FINAL Guidebook on municipal elections june 2023 UNDP ENGLISH w-coverFINAL Guidebook on municipal elections june 2023 UNDP ARABIC w-cover
Municipalities at the Forefront Campaign
The study shows that the first problem impeding municipal work is the inadequate formation of municipalities and municipal unions which has undermine the entire municipal sector.
Strategy for the preservation of Beirut Municipal Stadium
Strategy for the preservation of Beirut Municipal Stadium
Articulating The Economic Value of The Crafts-Based Industry in Lebanon
This report is prepared by RPS MENA, who were engaged by NAHNOO Organization to conduct an economic study regarding the “articulating the economic value of the crafts-based industry in Lebanon” project, in the context of NAHNOO’s work to promote and protect the crafts and craftsmanship in Lebanon within its Cultural Heritage program in Lebanon.
A legal reading of the concept of public squares in Lebanon
An initiative to define the legal framework that governs the concept of “public square” in Lebanese legislation in order to develop and crystallize practical strategies and recommendations.
An expanded policy paper for the development of the crafts sector
A political paper prepared by King Hamadeh and Dr. Ali Murad, a project with Mina America with the aim of drawing a road map for the country’s development of Lebanese crafts
The legal reality of traditional handicraft industries
A paper prepared by Ali Murad in cooperation with Nahnoo on the legal reality of the free industries within the framework of setting appropriate public policies for Lebanese crafts
Horsh Beirut-Harnessing Ecology and Infrastructure
This booklet is prepared by a team of consultants in urban design, urban planning, landscape architecture, green infrastructure, architecture, computational architecture and visual representation.
Lebanon has a unique identity closely linked to the sea, as it is located on the Eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea along a 220-kilometer coastal stretch. This identity has been reflected in various cultural, social and economic practices that shaped civilizations and coastal cities throughout the centuries.
From the public to the private – Baalbek – public domains
This report shows the findings of the “We” association on the reality of the city of Baalbek which was done through focus groups set up by the association in the city.
From public to Private – Beirut Public Spaces
The aim of this study is to remark upon the urgency of preserving and rehabilitating the few public spaces left in Beirut due to the ignorance and chaotic urban sprawl during the last decades.
Public spaces and public platforms
Protecting existing public spaces as well as the creation of new ones will pave the way for a new civic identity.
Beirut Seashore Through People’s Eyes
A report offering a comprehensive analysis that addresses the socio-cultural, physical, management, and economic
aspects of the seashore from this particular perspective.
From Tarik Jdideh to Horsh Beirut
This project aims at reviving the neighborhood’s connection with its public spaces and landmarks, particularly Horsh Beirut.
The socio-spacial production of public spaces in Tarik Jdideh
This study looked to understand the socio-spatial production of informal public spaces in Tarik Jdideh, which can be projected on various neighborhoods in Beirut, or even other Middle-Eastern cities, with their respective contextual characteristics.
Architectural Heritage Mapping in Ashrafieh and Mar Mkhayel
The two areas – Mar Mikhael and Achrafieh – were mapped by a team of volunteers following a close-ended survey (multiple choice, yes/no, etc.) to gather morphological information on the buildings constituting the urban fabric.
Citizen & Municipality Handbook
The Citizen and Municipality Handbook provides a simplified yet comprehensive explanation of the various legal, administrative
and regulatory rules governing municipal work in Lebanon.
Lebanese Craftsmanship insights for policymaking
A mapping of 51 artisans Bourj Hammoud, looking at the challenges they face and the opportunities that exist for developing intangible cultural heritage in the area.
The Horsh Beirut For All Campaign
Public space is essential for urban life – it enables people from all social strata and backgrounds to meet, enjoy the space together, and form a harmonious identity. Yet, Beirut is notorious for its lack of such spaces.
Roadmap for the Opening of Horsh Beirut
A campaign that Nahnoo conducted aiming primarily to open HORSH Beirut to the public but also was concerned about the protection and maintenance of this park.
Violations at the Lebanese Coast from North to South – PDF
These maps presents the research done by NAHNOO on the violations along the Lebanese coast.
Violations at the Lebanese Coast from North to South – Story Map
This storymap represents the research done by NAHNOO on the violations along the Lebanese coast.
Violations at the Lebanese Coast from North to South – Interactive Map
This interactive map presents the research done by NAHNOO on the violations along the Lebanese coast.
Craftsmanship in Bourj Hammoud
In order to begin understanding the challenges that artisans face and potential entryways to support their work, NAHNOO led a participatory mapping and research in Bourj Hammoud, a neighborhood on the edges of administrative Beirut.
Architectural Heritage Mapping in Ashrafieh and Mar Mkhayel
The two areas – Mar Mikhael and Achrafieh – were mapped by a team of volunteers following a close-ended survey (multiple choice, yes/no, etc.) to gather morphological information on the buildings constituting the urban fabric.
A proposed law that organizes and develops the crafts sector in Lebanon
This law aims to organize, develop, and grow the crafts sector in Lebanon to boost investment and employment and raise the competitiveness of the craft activities.
An expanded policy paper for the development of the crafts sector
A political paper prepared by King Hamadeh and Dr. Ali Murad, a project with Mina America with the aim of drawing a road map for the country’s development of Lebanese crafts
Public spaces and public platforms
Protecting existing public spaces as well as the creation of new ones will pave the way for a new civic identity.
From Tarik Jdideh to Horsh Beirut
This project aims at reviving the neighborhood’s connection with its public spaces and landmarks, particularly Horsh Beirut.
The socio-spacial production of public spaces in Tarik Jdideh
This study looked to understand the socio-spatial production of informal public spaces in Tarik Jdideh, which can be projected on various neighborhoods in Beirut, or even other Middle-Eastern cities, with their respective contextual characteristics.
Architectural Heritage Mapping in Ashrafieh and Mar Mkhayel
The two areas – Mar Mikhael and Achrafieh – were mapped by a team of volunteers following a close-ended survey (multiple choice, yes/no, etc.) to gather morphological information on the buildings constituting the urban fabric.
Lebanese Craftsmanship insights for policymaking
A mapping of 51 artisans Bourj Hammoud, looking at the challenges they face and the opportunities that exist for developing intangible cultural heritage in the area.